Special Book Event with Gina Moffa, LCSW — Moving On Doesn’t Mean Leting

Join us at the Boulder Book Store for a profound and insightful evening with Gina Moffa, author of "Moving On Doesn't Mean Letting Go: A Modern Guide to Navigating Loss"

I'll have the honor of interviewing Gina during this special event, where she will talk about her own experiences and the powerful messages from her book. Gina is a licensed grief and trauma therapist with nearly two decades of experience. Her approach provides a compassionate guide to moving through grief without letting go of the memories.

Grief is a journey we need not walk alone.

Register through this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gina-moffa-moving-on-doesnt-mean-letting-go-tickets-869308644557?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

📅 Save the date: Thursday, May 2nd at 6:30pm MDT

📍 Boulder Bookstore, 1107 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO


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